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Road Accident Fund Claim

Consult with us whenever you are involved in an accident. Accidents often have far reaching emotional, physical and financial implications. It is not advisable to attempt to claim directly from the Road Accident Fund, as there is a high likelihood that your claim may be under settled. Our expert knowledge of R.A.F claims will ensure that you receive the compensation you truly deserve, whether it be general damages, medical expenses, past and future loss of income, loss of support, funeral expenses etc.

A third party claim is a claim for compensation resulting from personal injury to or the death of a person, eg. the death of a breadwinner, in a motor vehicle accident. Such a claim will lie against the RAF, a statutory body.

The capital (settlement amount) usually takes 180 days, from the court date to recover from the Road Accident Fund. In terms of our fee agreement, all fees and disbursements are deducted from the first available funds and the difference is paid to the client as a first payment.

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